Veterinary Surgery

in Malaga, Mijas Costa

Soft tissue surgery is a crucial component of veterinary care, encompassing a wide array of procedures. We are using advanced techniques and modern equipment to provide safe, effective soft tissue interventions like ligasure instruments (vessel sealing and cutting system, which reduces surgical blood loss and shorten operation).

Call us today at +34 662 11 08 08 to schedule an appointment or use our online form!

Advanced Soft Tissue Surgical Services

We provide a variety of soft tissue procedures
  • Abdominal Surgery: Including spays, neuters, and gastrointestinal interventions.
  • Oncological Surgery: Tumor removals and biopsies.
  • Reconstructive Surgery: Wound repairs and skin grafts.

Types of Soft Tissue Surgeries We Perform

Our soft tissue surgical services cover a wide range of conditions, including:
  • Reproductive system surgeries
  • Urinary tract procedures
  • Ear, nose, and throat operations
  • Emergency soft tissue interventions

Contact us today at +34 662 11 08 08 to learn more about our soft tissue surgery services or to schedule a consultation.